Medium Unveils Blockchain Performance Test 'MDL Test Lab'

Medium Inc. Releases ‘MDL Test Lab’ for potential clients to experience 15,000 TPS on E-O-V architecture based enterprise blockchain solution. MDL Test Lab was first piloted in August, 2020 with various global system integration and IT consulting firms participating.

The test lab is currently running on AWS (Amazon Web Service) Cloud Server and is open to the public for anyone to try out and verify MDL’s TPS performance through Hyperledger Caliper and J-Meter. Components of the environment include 3 peer nodes, 3 orderer nodes that use a raft based ordering service, 1 channel, and 1 organization. Chaincodes used in Hyperledger Caliper are Smallbank and Simple.

Medium Inc. is an enterprise blockchain solution company that focuses on advancing TPS(Transactions Per Second) performance of Hyperledger Fabric. Hyperledger Fabric is the most widely used enterprise blockchain platform in the global market. Medium is currently delivering its solution, MDL (Medium Distributed Ledger), to numerous public and enterprise environments.

MDL is based on Hyperledger Fabric with three major improvement points.

They are: Performance improvement using cache, Performance improvement using parallel processing, Performance improvement using preprocessing. Through these improvement points, load on the CPU core can be efficiently allocated and unnecessary recomputations can be reduced, therefore resulting in a drastic increase in performance improvement range.

A Medium official stated that “Participants experienced 15,000TPS with 1.6sec Latency directly on the system console and are considering improving their Hyperledger Fabric based systems/services with MDL”. Many of these participants include players in the global IT industry that run operations generating more than ten billion dollars in annual revenue. Microsoft, IBM, Informatica, AWS, Cloudera are a few examples of names on the participants’ partners list.

A commonality these big players share is that they need a system that is able to process large amounts of data with sufficient speed, stability and precision. In order to commercialize enterprise blockchain in the global marketplace, it is essential to introduce a high-performing blockchain technology solution at a serviceable level. Medium has reached this milestone with MDL and is on its way to further develop the technology to a level that is unrivaled. Medium Inc. is to open ways to practical and reliable high performance enterprise blockchain system builds

Pan Jong Kim, CEO of Medium Inc, has stated that “through this test lab, global leading companies have started to pay attention to Medium’s unique blockchain technology. Specific business discussions toward technology commercialization are in progress with participants, and more aggressive marketing activities are to be conducted through a process that will allow easy and convenient introduction of MDL around the world.”

Electronic Times Internet Reporter Koo Gyohyeon (


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